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Showing posts from August, 2020

e-Portfolio: Session 03 (August 27)

  By: Yuliana Loría Villalobos AUGUST 27 New words 1. Joblessness /ˈdʒɑːb.ləs.nəs/ Noun The state of being unemployed. E.g. People are scared because the government is doing nothing to control joblessness.   2. Fierce /fɪrs/ Adjective Physically violent and frightening. E.g. It was a fierce attack.   3. Chase /tʃeɪs/ Verb To hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it. E.g. He was chasing someone.   4. Toothache /ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ Noun Pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth. E.g. I have a toothache.   5. Filthy /ˈfɪl.θi/ Adjective Extremely or unpleasantly dirty. E.g. Look at this table, it’s filthy!   6. Loathe /loʊð/ Verb To hate someone or something. E.g. I don’t want to eat vegetables, I loathe them. 7. Teethe /tiːð/ Verb If a baby or small child is teething, their first teeth are growing, usually causing pain. E.g. My mom’s daughter is teething. 8. Glacier /ˈɡleɪ.si.ɚ/ Noun A large mass of ice that moves slo...

e-Portfolio: Session 02 (August 20)

By: Yuliana Loría Villalobos 1) Thoughts  /θɑːts/  Noun The act of thinking about or considering something, an idea or opinion, or a set of ideas about a particular subject. E.g. I'll explain to you my thoughts about the topic. 2) Phenomenon  /fəˈnɑː.mə.nə/ Noun Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting. E.g. It's a natural phenomenon. 3) Hyperactivity  /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/ Noun The state of having more energy than is normal, becoming excited easily, and being unable to stay, still or think about work. E.g. Her daughter has been diagnosed with a hyperactivity disorder. 4) Compare  /kəmˈper/ Verb To examine or look for the difference between two or more things. E.g. You can't compare them with robots. 5) Impede     /   ɪmˈpiːd / Verb To make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something. E.g. His problem hasn't impeded his goals. 6) Revise ...