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Showing posts from October, 2020

e-Portfolio: Session 11 (October 22)

  By: Yuliana Loría Villalobos 1.       Sentence /ˈsen.təns/ Verb To decide and say officially what punishment will be. E.g. She sentenced a man because he killed his wife.   2.       Annihilate /əˈnaɪ.ə.leɪt/ Verb To destroy something completely so that nothing is left. E.g. He annihilated three people.   3.       Open-ended /ˌoʊ.pənˈen.dɪd/ Adjective E.g. An open-ended activity or situation does not have a planned ending, so it may develop in several ways. E.g. We are not willing to enter into open-ended discussions.   4.       Galvanize /ˈɡæl.və.naɪz/ Verb To cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way. E.g. The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.   5.       Pace /peɪs/ Noun The speed at which someone or something moves, or with...

e-Portfolio: Session 10 (October 15)

By: Yuliana Loría Villalobos 1.       Invasion /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/ Noun An occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country. E.g.   They wanted to take control of the new invasion.   2.       Adjective /ˈædʒ.ek.tɪv/ Noun A word that describes a noun or pronoun. E.g. Could you describe it with an adjective?   3.       Origin /ˈɔːr.ə.dʒɪn/ Noun The beginning or cause of something. E.g. The word coriander has Spanish origin.   4.       Amendment /əˈmend.mənt/ Noun A minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation. E.g. I didn’t like the political amendment.   5.       Settler /ˈset.lɚ/ Noun A person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live there and use the land. E.g. British settlers came to Am...

e-Portfolio: Session 09 (October 08)

  By: Yuliana Loría Villalobos 1.       Fickle /ˈfɪk.əl/ Adjective Likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason. E.g. He’s fickle because he changes a lot his girlfriends.   2.       Predecessor /ˈpred.ə.ses.ɚ/ Noun Someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series. E.g. He’s the president’s predecessor.   3.       Workload /ˈwɝːk.loʊd/ Noun The amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time. E.g. Students feel like they are a robot because of the workload they have.   4.       Suburb /ˈsʌb.ɝːb/ Noun An area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live. E.g. We are going to travel through the suburbs.   5.   ...

e-Portfolio: Session 08 (October 01)

  By: Yuliana Loría Villalobos 1.       Dowdy /ˈdaʊ.di/ Adjective (Especially of clothes or the person wearing them) not attractive or fashionable. E.g. He has dowdy jeans.   2.       Myopic /maɪˈɑː.pɪk/ Adjective Not able to see clearly things that are far away. E.g. My myopic cause problems to identify things.   3.       Bamboozle /bæmˈbuː.zəl/ Verb To trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them. E.g. She bamboozled her sister to go to the kitchen instead of the living room.   4.       Noxious /ˈnɑːk.ʃəs/ Adjective Something, especially a gas or other substance, that is noxious is poisonous or very harmful. E.g. We need to go out of here because of the noxious gas.   5.       Anachronism /əˈnæk.rə.nɪ.zəm/ Noun A person, thing, or idea that exists out of its time in history, especial...